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Easy Bake Bagels

I am still obsessing over my discovery of “2 Ingredient Dough” which I used in my Easy Peasy Pizza Parcels and 3 Ingredient Fruit Scroll recipes. I have been experimenting lots with it and today I have been making bagels. My household is a bagel loving one and we buy them every week and have them for lunch most weekends. But they aren’t cheap and most contain a lot of salt so I tried to make my own and, with 2 Ingredient dough, they couldn’t have been easier. And the bonus is that they taste totally yummy! I made a few versions – plain, cheese and onion (Mr MMM favourite type of bagel) and they all worked so well so have a go and let me know what you think!

NB: A word on quantities of ingredients. All the recipes I have found online for the 2 ingredient dough are in “Cups” measurements. The basic recipe is for every Cup of Self Raising Flour use 1/2 Cup of Yoghurt. For this recipe I have put the measurements in Cups and Grams in case people use Cups (I personally use Cups a lot). I have converted the Cups measurement to Grams using an internet conversion site. Remember that as Cups are a volume based measurement 1 Cup of one ingredient won’t weigh the same as 1 Cup of another ingredient. 

1/2 Cup or 125g Greek or Natural Yoghurt

1 Cups or 125g Self raising flour

50g grated cheese (for cheese bagels)

50g finely chopped onion (for onion bagels)

Mix the yoghurt and flour together so a dough is formed. Knead it slightly but don’t over-knead it otherwise it won’t cook properly. For the cheese or onionn ones just add the extra ingredient now and make sure they are mixed well into the dough.


Put the dough onto a well floured surface.


For mini bagels take small chunks of the dough and roll it into little balls. For regular size bagels just take bigger chunks. Flatten the ball out a bit with your hand.


Stick your finger through the middle of the dough and wiggle it around to make a decent sized hole.


Place on a well greased baking tray or non stick liner. Brush the tops with a bit of oil or butter.


Bake in the oven on 180 degrees C for 15-20 minutes until the bagels are golden and have a crispy top.


Leave to cool then enjoy!


This recipe made 12 mini bagels so would probably make about 4-6 regular size ones so if you want to make more just increase the ingredients accordingly.

2 thoughts on “Easy Bake Bagels

  1. I just tried these and they were great, thank you for sharing. Do you know if these freeze well? Also, how long they will keep in an airtight container?

    Thank you.

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