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Quick chicken and pesto stew

This recipe is unashamedly stolen from my sister. She is a really adventurous cook and makes most of her meals from scratch and whenever my kids go there they always get something yummy to eat. This week she made this delicious stew which was promptly wolfed down (including seconds) by Little Lady while her non adventurous brother would only eat a hummus sandwich. Of course I asked for the recipe and I was amazed by how easy and quick it was to make. It’s a really quick chicken and pesto stew which is full of vegetables and protein and, as it has potatoes, it doesn’t really need anything else (although Little Lady then had it again for lunch today and I added some extra couscous in with it). Continue reading


Any Mince Burgers

My burgers have always been like little rocks that could probably break your a bone if you dropped one on your foot! They were very tasty but way too hard. Then I went to my lovely friend’s house and her burgers were soft and moist and really delicious so she gave me her recipe. I have to admit (and I have told her this!) her recipe somehow didn’t work for me so I amended it slightly and now I am pro burger maker! Even The Boy – who is ultra fussy – eats these and declared them “yummy'”.

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