I am wheat free so use quinoa a lot in my own cooking but I thought it would be interesting to see what I could use quinoa for when making my kids’ meals. I came across this recipe online but as usual I made my own amendments to it as I didn’t have all the ingredients in my kitchen! They came out so well and Little Lady wolfed them down. You can change the vegetables depending on what you have in your house so if you do let me know how they turn out!
Sweetcorn Cake
I have an admission. I am terrible at online food shopping. In the past I have ordered 5 bags of courgettes when I meant to order 5 courgettes. I have bought 4 kilos of carrots when I wanted 4 carrots. I am still working through the 25 onions I bought a few weeks ago! This week’s mistake was ordering a few tins of creamed style corn instead of my usual sweetcorn kernels. When I make these mistakes my immediate thought is “what can I make using 4,000 peppers / courgettes/ tins of creamed corn (delete as appropriate)”. And this is how my sweetcorn cake was born! As a made up dish it turned out really well and Little Lady had some for lunch with some vegetables and it’s also a great snack too. I hope you enjoy! Continue reading
Fish Pie-ish 2 Ways
I love fish pie. It’s such a comforting dish and when made from scratch tastes completely delicious. The Boy (unsurprisingly) is not a huge fish fan. His fish repertoire extends to tuna sandwiches and, like every other 7 year old in the world, processed fish fingers. So when I decided to make fish pie for him and his fish loving sister I didn’t have the patience or time to make it properly from scratch, just in case he refused it and I had wasted hours slaving over a hot stove! So I came up with a speedy version that can be eaten with a spoon or, with the addition of egg, made into fishcakes. Mr MyMiniMeals (believing himself to be a Michelin food critic) describes this as “Deconstructed Fish Pies” but I just like to call it “Fish Pie-ish – Two Ways”.
Broccoli and Cheese Breadcrumb Bites

I was rummaging through my kitchen the other day and thought I would have a go at making up something with food that was probably going to be wasted. I found some broccoli, some ends of a loaf of bread and some grated cheese that my son refused to eat (it wasn’t the right colour apparently!!)…
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Baby’s desserts
I used to find it hard to think what to give my kids for their dessert and usually served fruit or yoghurt. But once I started this site I got more adventurous and the following are some yummy and sugar free desserts that not only are so simple to make but also are baby friendly versions of grown up (sugar laden) desserts. They are great for younger babies too as they are all nice and smooth to eat. Continue reading
Lazy lunches
The last couple of weeks in the MMM household have been a bit manic as our house is being redecorated and I have also been away so I haven’t been able to be in the kitchen as much as I would like. Consequently I have had to make very quick lunches for Little Lady while dodging builders and packing for my holiday. As you all know I live in the real world and believe everything is fine in moderation so have been using some processed food for her lunches but I have balanced it out with plenty of fruit and veg. I also have had lots of fun using my fab new plates which actually I have noticed have made a huge difference to both my kids’ enthusaism when eating. So here are some hopeful helpful ideas for quick lunches when you are short on time or just haven’t got the energy to be a domestic god/goddess! Continue reading
Meatloaf muffins
It’s Monday and for MyMiniMeals Mates Monday my lovely friend Anna has given me her delicious and totally easy Meatloaf Muffin recipe. This is a bit like my Any Mince Burger recipe but they are a bit firmer and stick together really well from being made in a muffin case so are perfect for little fingers to pick up. Anna’s original recipe uses beef mince but you can try it with any mince you like or even mix minces. I hope you enjoy!
Just like Mummy’s mug cake
I have recently been introduced to the incredible concept of a mug cake. This is exactly what it says on the tin – a cake in a mug. They take only a few minutes to make and cook in a microwave and hey presto you have a really yummy and usually very naughty cake. The other day I was eating a particularly naughty one full of chocolate and loaded with sugar and The Boy wanted to try it. Unsurprisingly as it was full of chocolate he loved it. Continue reading
Easy Peasy Pasties
I love Pasties as they are an easy “food on the go” idea and you really can put anything you want into them. The best ones originate from Cornwall but apparently you aren’t meant to call them “Cornish” pasties unless you have followed the authentic recipe which is quite detailed. I have often thought about making them but they always seemed so hard. However I saw a simple recipe online recently and, as usual, gave it my MMM twist and these ones don’t actually take much skill or time to make. This recipe uses beef mince but you can use any mince you like or even omit the meat and just make a veggie option by upping the quantities of vegetables or replacing the meat with some Quorn or meat substitute mince. Continue reading
Colourful Fried Rice
We like to take the kids out for dinner at the weekend and our favourite is a well known restaurant where they serve lots of noodle and rice based dishes. I always order a fried rice dish for Little Lady. She used to eat most of it but recently (as she is going through a very fussy annoying phase) just picks out the sweetcorn and meat from it but I keep persevering! I thought I would try to recreate something similar at home as fried rice is a great way to incorporate carbs, protein and veg into a meal.