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Gingerbread Biscuits

Little Lady and The Boy both love gingerbread biscuits made by a certain baby / child food company and I buy lots of bags and boxes of them. I’m currently attempting to try to save money wherever I can and realised that these biscuits (and similar snacks) are actually quite pricey so I wanted to try to make my own equivalent biscuits. These little smiley guys and gals are sugar free and took only 15 minutes from start to finish to make and both kids wolfed them down! I did plan to make them in more fun shapes than I did but my fabulous shaped cookie cutters haven’t arrived yet from Japan so I just used a little round cookie cutter today. You can make them in any shape or size you want but as my kids like the little round bagged biscuits I tried to emulate them as closely as I could. I hope you enjoy them as much as we all have!

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Potato & Veggie Bake

Today is MyMiniMeals Mates Monday so here is a great recipe from my friend Lauren. It’s a really easy and extremely tasty potato and vegetable bake that can be eaten on its own or as a side dish. Lauren makes it in a big dish and then slices it up in portions to freeze. I tried it in muffin cases and it worked really well too so give both options a try. You can use the vegetables listed here or change it up a bit. I think parsnips or some other kind of root vegetable could also be used and you can try adding in some other vegetables to pack in the nutrients. You could even add some grated cheese into it and onto the top if you want to add in some protein and make it a really nutritious dish. Thanks Lauren!!

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Pancakes galore

I love pancakes and I have found so many great ways to make them – sweet and savoury. So I thought I would show you some of my favourite pancake recipes that as usual are so easy and quick to make and only need a few ingredients. They can all be frozen so I tend to make a big batch of them, eat some – I mean my kids eat some!! – then freeze the rest. That way you only need to take a couple out at a time, let them defrost then just either heat them up in the microwave or frying pan or pop them in the toaster! Such a great idea for snacks or breakfast and the savoury ones make a lovely, easy dinner. Continue reading


Simple Spinach and Goat’s Cheese Pasties

As today is MyMiniMeals Mates Monday I am yet again handing over to one of my fabulous MMM followers Lisa who sent me this great recipe for Simple Spinach and Goat’s Cheese Pasties. They are really delicious and so easy to make. Between you and me I am slightly worried that Lisa is now competition for my title as MMM Queen as this recipe fits all the criteria for how I like to cook – only a few ingredients, no added sugar or salt and terribly easy to make. They are perfect picnic food or for a packed lunch and can be served hot or cold. Thanks Lisa!!

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Fantastic Fish Fingers

Let me just say at the outset that I buy processed frozen fish fingers. They are so convenient and 20 minutes in the oven and they are ready and, as both my kids love them, I’d be crazy not to buy them and make my life easy. But I also do make my own fish fingers (when I am feeling very Nigella-esque and virtuous) and they probably are as quick to make as the frozen ones. I hope you enjoy them!  Continue reading


7 Days of Lunches – Part 3

Back by popular demand here is the 3rd instalment of me showing you what Little Lady eats for lunch in a typical week. I have a slight admission this week though. She has been quite poorly recently so her appetite has been (and still is) pretty rubbish but this is what I have offered her this week. It is a bit simpler than what I normally give her (as seen in “7 Days of Lunches” and “7 Days of Lunches Part 2” ) but as she hasn’t eaten much I have been trying to offer her things that I know she likes. You will also see that I have given her some frozen potato shapes (shock horror yes I do give my children processed food!) and a good old sandwich but honestly sometimes you just have to do the easy thing! I hope you find this as useful and enjoyable as Parts 1 and 2.

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Simple Salmon Bites

I buy a lot of salmon and Little Lady eats it quite often. I usually make her Salmon with Broccoli and Cheese tomato sauce or Salmon and Broccoli Fishcakes but today I fancied making something that didn’t use flaked or mashed salmon. So I came up with these ever so easy, ever so tasty and ever so simple salmon bites. They only took me about 20 minutes from start to finish and were gobbled up by my little pink dustbin in no time. Continue reading

Sugar Free Biscuits – Part 2

Here is the long awaited (!!!) sequel to my post “Sugar Free Biscuits – Part 1” which, after many sleepless nights, I cleverly titled Sugar Free Biscuits – Part 2.

I love making biscuits for my children and they love having one as a pre bedtime treat or as a snack during the day. Obviously none of us really want our children loaded up on sugar just before bed so these are perfect as they are sugar free and easy to make. Continue reading